Friday, July 3, 2020

Sunrise, Sunset

My son stands, hip deep, in the Atlantic
thin flowered dress plastered to his thighs
walking along the surf, pushing his curls
behind his ears, the long, thin fingers
topped by  bitten nails.
Delicate eyebrows shade his blue eyes,
the same shade of blue as mine.

I am mesmerized by his beauty.

Blessed with ignorance
that he has already started
weekly injections
into those pale thighs.
In a few months,
the blood will stop flowing
from his shriveling uterus.

My son turns, smiles,
blows me a kiss.
A wave drenches him
and he laughs.

For his 18th birthday,
he changed his name.
I say kaddish for my daughter-dreams
and rock my new born son
in my arms.

2nd Place, Gwendolyn Brooks Award 2019
Published in Revelry 2019

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