Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Prospect Park 1973

It was a long ride on a warm spring afternoon
when no one was home anyway to miss me
The meadow grass called, Reading Time!
I was fourteen and alone, gloriously alone.

I lay there on my belly
deep into Jane Eyre
for the fifth time.

A young man stopped running
sat down next to me his hands on
mythighswaistass talking
asking questions as I tried to read.

Confused, resentful, scared,
he threw a leg over mine.
I was fourteen and alone.

Two men on their bicycles paused
called to me, “Hey, miss, is that guy
bothering you?” I was silent, motionless.
“Punk, get your hands off her. Now, punk.”

They stood there, waiting as he
rolled away, walked away, muttering
about strangers bothering people.

The men came closer as I put my book
in my knapsack, picked up my bicycle.
“Miss, it’s not safe here, not for a young girl.
You’re what? Fourteen? And you’re alone.

“We have daughters. Please be careful.”
They rode with me to the avenue.
I went home, still alone.

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